Hello Lovelies!
This week has been one hectic one for me, from going to Reading Festival, to job interviews, to my current job and to fundraising for me to go to New York to compete in a law competition, I feel like I've had no time to breath. I haven't really done a life post in a while so I thought I'd do one about how I (kind of) cope with being busy and how I keep myself busy even though I'm now technically on a gap year and not currently in any form of education.
So how I cope.. well it would be very easy for me to say I don't really. I do get very stressed coupled with migraines and I do worry sometimes if I am doing to much work stuff and ignoring my friends who will be off to uni in a month! However one thing I would say I'm good at is time management and managing to do everything I want to by slotting things into a schedule. I always use the timetable app on my iphone as it's soo good to just slot in and colour co-ordinate your time. It's designed for school students but I find it still works fine for me even though I'm not in school any more.
Another thing I do is make notes...A Lot of notes. So for me it's important to always have a note book on me and a pen or even just my phone to make notes on. This is more to do with little things I want to get done apposed to fitting things into a schedule because these are things that I will do at some point like cleaning my room, basically things I can do when I have time but are not necessarily a main priority like work is.
Another thing I try to do is not panic. If I have a clash in something or feel like everything is just getting to much, I have to take a minute to really think logically and practically in terms of what I can actually take on and which I literally can't. This could be from covering someone's shift or going to two interviews in one day (remember you can always re-schedule), but as I say prioritise what you can and should do such as your actually work shifts or job you really want an try to re-arrange clashes. it all comes back really to as I said earlier slotting everything in and time management.
Finally how I actually keep myself busy. Right now I currently have two jobs and am looking into getting another one..this may not be my wisest choice but we'll see how it goes. So the first is by working, whether it be self employed, employed by a company or working from home like blogging, I think it's important to have an aspect of work in your daily life to make you appreciate your relaxing time and keep your brain alive. I also have my law competition so it's important to keep up hobbies particularly if you set goals, they don't have to be huge goals like getting to New York but even just little goals can be so satisfying and keep you busy without you even realising it! and thirdly friends and family it's so important that though you may be busy in your work life that you make time to be busy in your social life (whether is be a Starbucks chat or a bike ride) and keep close with the people who matter and can also tell you if you're over doing things ;).
I hope you've enjoyed reading! I am in no way an advice guru or a lifestyle blogger but I thought I'd just speak about what's going on in my life and my head right now. So what do you to to keep busy? what to you do to relax? and do you think there's such thing as overdoing it or just poor organisational skills? Thanks for reading.
Love Becky xxx